The increase in attendance of the site or blog - five methods to achieve the goal

Dear friends, I hasten to share with you our 5 proven ways how to increase the attendance of a site or blog for free.

1. The easiest way (at the same time one of the long time), is writing articles under the low-frequency queries.

In simple words in the new article use the popular word or phrase, entered by users in the search engines when searching for the right of their themes.

Requests can be selected using the service or google, I prefer the first.

Now I will tell, as I pick up the key words for the new articles.

Choose a theme (under which'm going to write an article, for example)take my article -

Lesson photoshop - How to make a hat for your site or blog, the article is already more than 26 000 views. All this became possible due to the fact that article is located at the top to fit my needs.

On the site picked up the requests:

- how to make a hat for the site
- to make a hat for the site
- to make the banner for the site in photoshop

Further pointed out one of promoted by me requests in the title to the article. As in the title has added another ключевыу phrase - lesson photoshop. I think that is why the article vylaziet at the top of the search engines + a good view of the people.

Put the same query in the first sentence of the post.

In his articles before doing references for the past posts, published on the blog, thereby increases the weight of the pages, to which I refer. As internal links in the post, often scare kopipasterov...If all the same article copy to the blog, usually remain links within the article, and that external links on the blog.

Always fill in the description and keywords to the article, let many say they now are not search engines - I am so calm.

2. Forums

Communication on the forums

On the forums you need to communicate (to learn something new, to teach others, pr your blog), because there are the same webmaster like you and I, so to say будующая audience of our blogs.

Announcements of posts on the forums

On many forums there is a special section "Digest of the blogosphere", which is allowed to publish announcements of new posts, with reference to the blog. I've added your announcements for only a couple of times and only 2 of the forum:

If with the first forum, since the last announcement (published 2 weeks ago), to me at the blog has passed 10-20 people, then with the second business obstajat is very good and every day now passes 40-50 people, peak attendance was - 100-120 people.

All this because my theme - , became very popular among the regulars of the forum and already gained 60 votes (and continues to). My photoshop lesson - how to make the design of the site, like many, I am very радЭто a very stimulating to blog on and create.

The signature on the forums

If you are communicating on the forum and so far, do not use signatures to your messages, it's time to start. People are well pass on the signatures in messages, especially if your messages are left on the topic of discussion or in popular themes of the forum.

Section watch/rate site

A couple of very important to get the feedback on the blog, its convenience for visitors, what they like, what's not to like, what would like to see on the blog, etc. Particularly large amount of traffic, I'm not received, as of criticism in стороную my blog.

3. Social services (facebook, twitter).

With each passing day, the internet all the more socialized and already often be found in history, as practically a young site collects hundreds, or even thousands of visitors in a day, only at the expense of social networks.

I could not pass and also got a twitter account!/Mr_Freegold and just recently got a page of the blog posts on фейсбуке. In twitter basically share links to their new positions + share links interesting to me posts in the blogosphere. In the middle with twitter in the day on the blog goes 2-7 people.

Also on фейсбуке in group "Digest of the blogosphere" once announced his new post on the blog and received on this day 10 transitions.

4. Placement of announcements in groups on

Especially highlighted this one paragraph, so as I want to focus on groups more in detail. For what I did? Everything is simple, if you come to this matter seriously, you can get a lot of visitors to your blog, and free of charge.

You just need to add your announcements in the popular group or комментируовать опубликованые members'news groups, in the comments indicate the link to your blog.

I also noticed that the visitors with субскрайба well subscribe to the Rss feed of the blog and often comment on posts.

Use group I was able to draw on the blog 500-700 visitors a day.

I recommend the following groups to add announcements from the blog: (moderated group, what would your announcement published in the group, you need to have yourself in a blog post small cross-cutting banner group - I placed in the column on the left, this is justified with a vengeance, in the day of publication of my post on the blog usually goes 50-150 people).

5. Service

A couple of months ago, many bloggers began to use the site for the exchange of visitors between blogs. A week ago and my hands came up to the code of the service itself on the blog. Exchange is 1 to 1. According to my statistics 25 people have come over to me and 26 people have crossed отменя. Service interesting and deserves attention, we wish him good luck and further development.

At this perhaps finish.

But as you increase the traffic to your blog? Write in the comments very interesting to me, I will adopt your experience