Discover the secrets of the popular browser:
Growth of Google Chrome of the browser market is striking. For such a short period of time to leave far behind Safari, Opera and close to Firefox, and it is only recently and conversations was about moisture and excessive minimalism Chrome.
On the data for April 2011, the share of IE - 44.52%, Firefox - 29.67%, Chrome - 18.29%, Safari - 5.04%, Opera - 1.91%.
Not a bad start, especially if to consider, that the browser has appeared in the end of 2008.
It is clear, that the browser is not without flaws, but the flexibility, speed and minimalism - strong arguments. If there are not enough social chips, and acquire additional extensions do not really want to, then I recommend browser RockMelt. It is based on Chromium, so fans of Google Chrome won't notice much of a difference.
Well, and now let's consider a few little-known features of Chrome. The more features and capabilities of the browser know - the higher the efficiency of the further work with them.
Automatic launch Google Chrome in Incognito mode
To automatically activate the browser in Incognito mode, you must set the properties of the icon, with which you run it. Below I present an example for windows-version of a browser, but also in other oses all of this will work.
right-click on the icon of Google Chrome, select the Properties tab Label - Object and in the very end of the path to the file chrome.exe add key incognito. It should look something like this:
C:\Users\Tina\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe -incognito
click "Ok", then when clicking the icon will start the browser in Incognito mode.
What is it for? Yes even when working with someone else's, or just a computer. Why shining your cache once again?
Viewing PDF with Adobe Reader
If for some reason don't like Google Chrome PDF Reader, then there is a simple way to view PDF files using any other browser, at least to the same Adobe Reader. Simply disable Chrome PDF Viewer, that he has not intercepted the PDF files and use the PDF reader installed by default.
For this in the address bar, enter about:plugins, are looking for and disable plug-in called Chrome PDF Viewer.
Access to experimental capabilities
As well as in Gmail, Google Chrome is experimental features (Labs).
To open the list of functions that write in the address bar of the following: about:flags. Once we met a warning that the experimental capabilities at any time may change or even disappear. But it's worth it, sometimes developers "dumped "there for testing quite a curious thing.
So, for example, would be helpful side tabs, the preview function before printing (why is this still is not in the standard setting - it is absolutely not clear).
Quick enabling/disabling extensions
Access to the extensions in Google Chrome can be obtained in two ways:
in the browser "Instruments" - "Expansion"
go to the Chrome Web Store.
But if you often have to enable/disable expansion due to the conflicts on some sites or for other reasons, it is much more convenient one time set up two expansion Quick Enable and Disable Quick and not to waste time.
Now, in order to disable the required expansion, enough to drive in the address bar disable_name extension. Well, to start, as you can already guess, write enable_name extension.
Access to the printer from any computer
Previously only available in beta release, Google Cloud Print is included in staff functions of the browser Chrome. This function allows you to get access to your printer from any computer. Of course, only through the Google Chrome browser.
We go in the browser settings, go to the tab "Advanced", and press on the button "Enter in the Google Cloud Print".
Personally for himself, a special utility in this function, I do not see. The printer must be switched on all the time, to use it remotely from any device, even with the phone. And in terms of our "high-tech" electric networks, this is not possible.